Restaurant Remodeling Contractor Paso Robles

Restaurant Remodeling Contractor Paso Robles

restaurant remodeling atascaderoAre you a restaurant owner, large or small, in the Central Coast area looking for a professional Paso Robles Restaurant Remodeling Contractor? As a restaurant owner, you should know that when looking for a contractor, lots of thought must be put into the final decision. The quality of the finished remodel will, without a doubt, have an impact on your business. While sometimes it may not seem important, appearance and overall style has a larger effect on business than you may think. This is why finding a good, certified contractor to handle your restaurant remodel is important.


 The below are images of a full Restaurant Remodel for Mountain Mike’s Pizza.

Mountain Mike’s Pizza
Service Counter
Game Room
Service Counter Back
Side Dining
Long Bench Seating Area Completed
VP Room
Soda Dispenser
Bathroom Stall

If you’re a restaurant owner, you probably already know the kind of thing customers expect in regards to good service: A friendly, helpful staff of waiters, a passionate and experienced chef, and a clean, inviting environment. If you, as an owner, strive to meet and perhaps even exceed these standards, then you deserve a contractor who will adhere to the same quality of service. That’s where we come in.

Our name is Central Pacific Construction, and we are a locally owned and operated construction company based in Templeton. We know that there are thousands of contractors to choose from, so when you choose us to do a job for you, we truly appreciate it; it’s an honor to serve! We maintain standards of only the highest levels of service and workmanship; our team comes with an unmatched work ethic and meticulous eye for detail. We pride ourselves in being the top residential and commercial contractor in the county and we’re always looking to take on new projects.

Some of the things we can do for your restaurant include the following:


At Central Pacific Construction, we’re highly flexible and dedicated Paso Robles restaurant remodelers. When it’s time to bring your restaurant’s functions and designs to the next level, you can rely on us for inspired designs and sturdy construction. We’ve worked on some of the most popular and beautiful restaurants in the entire area so don’t worry about if a job is out of our league!


No matter how sturdy it was built, the time will eventually come when your restaurant is going to need some repairs. Whatever they may be, minor or major, let our experienced and respectful crew take care of them for you! Your restaurant will be right back to a top shape in no time!

Custom Builds

If you’re a visionary with a plan for a new restaurant, finding a construction crew who understands your vision the way that you do and sees the importance of bringing it to life can be difficult. When you hire us, we’ll take all the time necessary to communicate with you effectively to ensure that we understand exactly what you want before we even pick up a tool. With our 20 years of experience, we can assure everything is up to code and built to last

1401 Park Street

Outdoor dining area and ADA compliant sidewalks

Central Pacific Construction was hired to take on the task of improving the exterior of 1401 Park St. in Paso Robles.  Creating a fine outdoor seating area, painting the entire building, as well as the installation of original and cool looking awnings were the main tasks completed. However, a new sidewalk curb and gutter were also construction tasks completed to perfection. Central Pacific Construction is honored to have been the company chosen to complete such a project. We have a very nice comment by Cliff Branch about the project below.

Mayor Martin, City Council Members, Warren Frace, and David Athley,

Thank you for approving the outdoor dining area for our building located at 1401 Park Street. We are pleased that the new restaurant has come to Paso Robles to fill the vacant anchor space and thus two of the other tenants in the building are also now reopening. We also refurbished the exterior of the building. Frank Cueva and Central Pacific Construction of Paso Robles did an excellent job. The public now have brand new sidewalks that meet ADA codes. All good! 

With warm regards,

Cliff Branch


When you need a Paso Robles Restaurant Remodeling Contractor, call us at (805) 471-4749